[ summary] [ package list] [ test cases]
Tests | Errors | Failures | Success rate | Time(s) |
165 | 0 | 0 | 100,00% | 7,88 |
Note: failuresare anticipated and checked for with assertions while errorsare unanticipated.
[ summary] [ package list] [ test cases]
Package | Tests | Errors | Failures | Success Rate | Time |
net.sf.ldaptemplate | 54 | 0 | 0 | 100,00% | 1,25 |
net.sf.ldaptemplate.support.acegi | 3 | 0 | 0 | 100,00% | 0,66 |
net.sf.ldaptemplate.support | 82 | 0 | 0 | 100,00% | 2,87 |
net.sf.ldaptemplate.support.filter | 26 | 0 | 0 | 100,00% | 3,10 |
Note: package statistics are not computed recursively, they only sum up all of its testsuites numbers.
Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Success Rate | Time | |
LdapTemplateRenameTest | 4 | 0 | 0 | 100,00% | 0,578 | |
LdapTemplateTest | 50 | 0 | 0 | 100,00% | 0,672 |
Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Success Rate | Time | |
AcegiAuthenticationSourceTest | 3 | 0 | 0 | 100,00% | 0,657 |
Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Success Rate | Time | |
CountSearchResultCallbackHandlerTest | 1 | 0 | 0 | 100,00% | 0,312 | |
DefaultDirObjectFactoryTest | 4 | 0 | 0 | 100,00% | 0,359 | |
DirContextAdapterTest | 27 | 0 | 0 | 100,00% | 0,469 | |
DistinguishedNameTest | 26 | 0 | 0 | 100,00% | 0,484 | |
LdapContextSourceTest | 7 | 0 | 0 | 100,00% | 0,484 | |
LdapEncoderTest | 4 | 0 | 0 | 100,00% | 0,328 | |
LdapRdnTest | 13 | 0 | 0 | 100,00% | 0,438 |
Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Success Rate | Time | |
AbstractFilterTest | 2 | 0 | 0 | 100,00% | 0,297 | |
AndFilterTest | 5 | 0 | 0 | 100,00% | 0,328 | |
EqualsFilterTest | 3 | 0 | 0 | 100,00% | 0,375 | |
GreaterThanOrEqualsFilterTest | 2 | 0 | 0 | 100,00% | 0,328 | |
LessThanOrEqualsFilterTest | 2 | 0 | 0 | 100,00% | 0,313 | |
LikeFilterTest | 3 | 0 | 0 | 100,00% | 0,328 | |
NotFilterTest | 2 | 0 | 0 | 100,00% | 0,344 | |
OrFilterTest | 4 | 0 | 0 | 100,00% | 0,328 | |
WhitespaceWildcardsFilterTest | 3 | 0 | 0 | 100,00% | 0,454 |
[ summary] [ package list] [ test cases]
testRename | 0,25 | |
testRename_NameAlreadyBoundException | 0,02 | |
testRename_NamingException | 0,00 | |
testRename_String | 0,00 |
testSearch_CallbackHandler | 0,22 | |
testSearch_StringBase_CallbackHandler | 0,00 | |
testSearch_CallbackHandler_Defaults | 0,00 | |
testSearch_String_CallbackHandler_Defaults | 0,02 | |
testSearch_NameNotFoundException | 0,00 | |
testSearch_NamingException | 0,00 | |
testSearch_AttributesMapper | 0,00 | |
testSearch_String_AttributesMapper | 0,00 | |
testSearch_AttributesMapper_Default | 0,00 | |
testSearch_String_AttributesMapper_Default | 0,00 | |
testSearch_ContextMapper | 0,02 | |
testSearch_String_ContextMapper | 0,00 | |
testSearch_ContextMapper_Default | 0,00 | |
testSearch_String_ContextMapper_Default | 0,00 | |
testSearch_String_SearchControls_ContextMapper | 0,00 | |
testSearch_String_SearchControls_ContextMapper_ReturningObjFlagNotSet | 0,02 | |
testSearch_Name_SearchControls_ContextMapper | 0,02 | |
testSearch_String_SearchControls_AttributesMapper | 0,00 | |
testSearch_Name_SearchControls_AttributesMapper | 0,00 | |
testLookup | 0,00 | |
testLookup_String | 0,00 | |
testLookup_NamingException | 0,00 | |
testLookup_AttributesMapper | 0,00 | |
testLookup_String_AttributesMapper | 0,02 | |
testLookup_AttributesMapper_NamingException | 0,00 | |
testLookup_ContextMapper | 0,00 | |
testLookup_String_ContextMapper | 0,00 | |
testLookup_ContextMapper_NamingException | 0,00 | |
testModifyAttributes | 0,00 | |
testModifyAttributes_String | 0,00 | |
testModifyAttributes_NamingException | 0,00 | |
testBind | 0,02 | |
testBind_String | 0,00 | |
testBind_NamingException | 0,00 | |
testUnbind | 0,00 | |
testUnbind_String | 0,00 | |
testUnbindRecursive | 0,03 | |
testRebind | 0,00 | |
testRebind_String | 0,00 | |
testUnbind_NamingException | 0,00 | |
testExecuteReadOnly | 0,00 | |
testExecuteReadOnly_NamingException | 0,00 | |
testExecuteReadWrite | 0,02 | |
testExecuteReadWrite_NamingException | 0,00 | |
testDoSearch | 0,00 | |
testDoSearch_NamingException | 0,02 | |
testDoSearch_NamingException_NamingEnumeration | 0,00 | |
testDoSearch_NameNotFoundException | 0,00 | |
testSearch_PartialResult_IgnoreNotSet | 0,00 | |
testSearch_PartialResult_IgnoreSet | 0,00 |
testGetPrincipalAndCredentials | 0,36 | |
testGetPrincipalAndCredentials_nullAuthentication | 0,00 | |
testGetPrincipal_InvalidPrincipal | 0,00 |
testGetObjectInstance | 0,06 | |
testGetObjectInstance_nullObject | 0,00 | |
testGetObjectInstance_ObjectNotContext | 0,00 | |
testGetObjectInstance_BaseSet | 0,00 |
testSetUpdateMode | 0,09 | |
testGetModificationItems | 0,00 | |
testAlwaysReplace | 0,00 | |
testGetStringAttributeNotExists | 0,00 | |
testGetStringAttributeExists | 0,00 | |
testGetStringAttributesExists | 0,00 | |
testGetStringAttributesNotExists | 0,00 | |
testSetStringAttribute | 0,00 | |
testSetStringAttributeNull | 0,00 | |
testAddAttribute | 0,02 | |
testGetDn | 0,00 | |
testAddMultiAttributes | 0,00 | |
testRemoveAttribute | 0,00 | |
testRemoveMultiAttribute | 0,00 | |
testChangeAttribute | 0,00 | |
testNoChangeAttribute | 0,00 | |
testNoChangeMultiAttribute | 0,02 | |
testNoChangeMultiAttributeOrderDoesNotMatter | 0,00 | |
testChangeMultiAttributeOrderDoesMatter | 0,00 | |
testChangeMultiAttribute_AddValue | 0,00 | |
testChangeMultiAttribute_RemoveValue | 0,00 | |
testChangeMultiAttribute_RemoveTwoValues | 0,00 | |
testChangeMultiAttribute_RemoveAllValues | 0,00 | |
testChangeMultiAttribute_SameValue | 0,00 | |
testAddAttribute_Multivalue | 0,00 | |
testChangeAttributeTwice | 0,00 | |
testAddReplaceAndChangeAttribute | 0,00 |
testDistinguishedName | 0,12 | |
testRemove | 0,00 | |
testContains | 0,00 | |
testAppend | 0,00 | |
testPrepend | 0,00 | |
testEquals | 0,02 | |
testEquals_DistinguishedName | 0,00 | |
testClone | 0,00 | |
testEndsWith_true | 0,00 | |
testEndsWith_false | 0,00 | |
testGetAll | 0,00 | |
testGet | 0,00 | |
testSize | 0,00 | |
testGetPrefix | 0,00 | |
testGetSuffix | 0,00 | |
testStartsWith_true | 0,03 | |
testStartsWith_false | 0,00 | |
testStartsWith_Longer | 0,00 | |
testStartsWith_EmptyPath | 0,00 | |
testIsEmpty_True | 0,00 | |
testIsEmpty_False | 0,00 | |
testAddAll | 0,00 | |
testAddAll_Index | 0,00 | |
testAdd | 0,00 | |
testAdd_Index | 0,00 | |
testToUrl | 0,00 |
testEncodeValue_blank | 0,02 | |
testEncodeValue_normal | 0,00 | |
testEncodeValue_escape | 0,00 |
testAfterPropertiesSet_NoUrl | 0,11 | |
testAfterPropertiesSet_BaseAndTooEarlyJdk | 0,03 | |
testGetAnonymousEnv | 0,02 | |
testGetAuthenticatedEnv | 0,00 | |
testGetAuthenticatedEnv_DummyAuthenticationProvider | 0,00 | |
testGetAuthenticatedEnv_DummyAuthenticationProvider_Changed | 0,00 | |
testGetAnonymousEnv_DontCacheEnv | 0,00 |
testFilterEncode | 0,00 | |
testNameEncode | 0,00 | |
testNameDecode | 0,00 | |
testNameDecode_slashlast | 0,02 |
testLdapRdn_parse_simple | 0,11 | |
testLdapRdn_parse_spaces | 0,00 | |
testLdapRdn_parse_escape | 0,00 | |
testLdapRdn_parse_hexEscape | 0,00 | |
testLdapRdn_parse_trailingBackslash | 0,00 | |
testLdapRdn_parse_spaces_escape | 0,00 | |
testLdapRdn_parse_tooMuchTrim | 0,00 | |
testLdapRdn_parse_slash | 0,00 | |
testLdapRdn_parse_quoteInKey | 0,00 | |
testLdapRdn_KeyValue_simple | 0,00 | |
testLdapRdn_KeyValue_valueNeedsEscape | 0,00 | |
testEncodeUrl | 0,02 | |
testEncodeUrl_SpacesInValue | 0,00 |