Package net.sf.ldaptemplate

The core package of the LdapTemplate framework.


Interface Summary
AttributesMapper Responsible for mapping from LDAP Attributes to beans.
AuthenticationSource An AuthenticationSource is responsible for providing the principal and credentials to be used when creating a new context.
ContextAssembler Responsible for assembling to and from context.
ContextExecutor Interface for delegating an actual operation to be performed on an DirContext.
ContextMapper Responsible for mapping from LDAP Contexts to beans.
ContextSource Interface used to retrieve and authenticate LDAP contexts.
LdapOperations Interface that specifies a basic set of LDAP operations.
NamingExceptionTranslator Interface to be implemented by classes that can translate between NamingExceptions and DataAccessExceptions.
SearchExecutor Interface for delegating an actual search operation.
SearchResultCallbackHandler Responsible for handling a single SearchResult returned by an LDAP seach.

Class Summary
CollectingSearchResultCallbackHandler A SearchResultCallbackHandler to collect all results in an internal List.
DefaultNamingExceptionTranslator The default implementation of NamingExceptionTranslator.
LdapTemplate Executes core LDAP functionality and helps to avoid common errors, relieving the user of the burden of looking up contexts, looping through NamingEnumerations and closing contexts.

Exception Summary
AttributesIntegrityViolationException Exception that indicates that an invalid or missing Attribute has been supplied to an LDAP operation.
BadLdapGrammarException Thrown to indicate that an invalid value has been supplied to an LDAP operation.
EntryNotFoundException Represents that an entry could not be found.
SearchLimitExceededException Indicates that the search limit was exceeded in a search.
UncategorizedLdapException Indicates that an unknown NamingException has occurred.

Package net.sf.ldaptemplate Description

The core package of the LdapTemplate framework.

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